Areca Design are pleased to announce recent success in gaining Cyber Essentials Certification
Defence Against Cyber Threats
The Government-backed and industry-supported Cyber Essentials Scheme aims to help organisations implement basic levels of protection against cyber attacks, demonstrating to customers that they take cyber security seriously.
With a huge amount of business taking place online in today’s technology-driven and mobile–focused environment, there is an increasing concern for cyber attacks on personal and private data. It is important, therefore, for businesses to ensure they have robust measures in place, to combat such threats – for both internal safety measures and customer data protection.
Successful Cyber Essentials Assessment
Areca Design have successfully received the Cyber Essentials Certification, confirming our focus on good cyber security practice. Having completed one of the two possible levels provided by the scheme, Areca Design were required to take part in an independently verified self-assessment. As a business, we were to assess relevant cyber practices against five basic security controls. Answers were then verified by a qualified assessor, based on the information provided.
The Cyber Essentials Scheme state 'The five basic controls within Cyber Essentials were chosen because, when properly implemented, they will help to protect against unskilled, internet-based attackers using commodity capabilities – which are freely available on the Internet.'
As a Digital Marketing and Creative Website Design Agency, we feel it is important that we have a good cyber security awareness and implement successful practices that can help to prevent cyber attacks. As we move more and more into the 'online world', it is increasingly valuable for customers to feel that their websites cover the basic cyber precautions, and that they are delivered by a trustworthy, professional design team.
For further information on Cyber Essentials, please click the link below.
If you would like more details on how we can help support you with a creative, professional website design, please contact our team today on: 01386 570360, or email us at:

Cyber Aware
Cyber Aware is the UK government's advice on how to stay secure online during coronavirus.