ForumFeatured ProjectsAreca Design Support Larger Business for 2016 Intelligently Green Awards

Areca Design Support Larger Business for 2016 Intelligently Green Awards

The 2016 Intelligently Green Awards aim to celebrate green projects and activities around Whychavon that also benefit the community or save money.


About the Awards

During the end part of 2015, world leaders gathered in Paris to negotiate a new agreement that would help to reduce the effects climate change. Organisers of the Intelligently Green Awards, Whychavon District Council and Transition Evesham Vale, highlight that we all have a part to play in protecting the environment around us.

The Award scheme is about recognising and promoting local, intelligently green activities – things that not only have a positive impact on the environment, but also have community or financial benefits.


Who is eligible to enter?

You are able to nominate yourself, an organisation you are involved with, or someone else for an Intelligently Green Award. The five categories are:

  • Individual and household
  • Large business and public sector
  • Small business
  • Community group
  • School / College

All nominations must be associated with projects and activities that took place in the Whychavon district, between 1st April 2014 and 31st March 2016. The project or activity must be classed as intelligently green, by contributing to at least one of the following themes: energy, construction, transport, food, tourism and green space.


Why enter the Intelligently Green Awards?

The Awards are a great way to promote your project or activity, find out about other green initiatives and become an Intelligently Green advocate in Whychavon.

All eligible nominees will receive recognition for their particular project, along with the following:

  • A Certificate
  • A lovely Award
  • Two tickets to the Awards Ceremony
  • Publicity through print, online and social media
  • Branding to use on business collateral – emails, letters and other materials

The winners of each category will be announced at the Awards Ceremony, at Pershore College’s new sustainable building, on Friday 17th June 2016. The event is to be hosted by Evesham born impressionist and actor, Alistair McGowan, who is an ambassador to WWF-UK. Alistair is also part of the Global World Wide Fund for Nature and campaigns on a number of environmental issues – providing a great spokesmen for the environmentally focused occasion.

How to apply

Nominations will open on 12th February 2016. To nominate yourself, or someone else for one of the Intelligently Green Awards, you will need to fill out a nomination form, which will be available via the Whychavon website, shown below. You can also pick up a nomination form from one of the Community Contact Centres.

In your nomination, you are required to clearly describe how the project or activity has a positive environmental impact and also how it has community or financial benefits. You may also submit photos or a short film, to support your nomination.

The deadline for all nominations is 5pm on Friday 22nd April 2016.


Supporting local green projects

Areca Design are helping to support the Intelligently Green Awards, as we are firm believers that every individual can help to make a positive impact when it comes to taking care of our environment.

We are sponsoring the award for Larger Businesses and Public Sector organisations. Located in Evesham Town Centre, our creative team support a diverse range of businesses, of any size, with innovative marketing solutions – to help them succeed online or engage in a memorable way with their audience.

We aim to use environmentally friendly printing solutions, for tailored marketing materials, to become a long-term partner in the business growth.


The Whychavon Intelligently Green Awards are sponsored by:

Rooftop Housing Group - Overall Sponsorship

Fortris Living - Awards Event

Pershore College - Awards Venue

ImaGine - Individual/household category

JellyPickleHam, Evesham Greengrocer - Small Business

Areca Design - Larger Business and Public Sector

Hayloft Plants - Community Group

University of Worcester - School / College


For further information on the Intelligently Green Awards, please visit the website below.

To discuss your marketing requirements with a member of our team, please contact us today: 01386 570360 or email

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