Recognised as a specialist in marketing recycling and waste management businesses, Areca Design have recently been commissioned by waste management giant Biffa to promote the company's services on a more personal, local level.
The campaign literature designed for Biffa by Areca Design has been created to illustrate to businesses and organisations howBiffa can help to reduce these costs, while complying to stringent government guidelines and, at the same time, causing minimum impact on the environment. Areca have so far designed and distributed brochures for Biffa across key regional areas of the country, promoting the company's message to businesses, councils and educational establishments, to encourage the effective management and disposal of waste. Biffa's services promoted by the brochures include:
Zero to landfill policy - Biffa recycle all of the waste that they handle, with none of it being buried at UK landfill sites.
The Big Red Bin Campaign - A campaign aiming to educate and encourage pupils and students across the UK to dispose of their waste responsibility.