If you are looking to reach new audiences, drive traffic to your website or even boost your conversion rates, you may want to explore Facebook ads.
However, the true question is are they right for your business and will the ROI be worth it?
Well here are some key pro’s and con’s to utilising Facebook ads for your business.
Pro’s of Facebook advertising
1. Fantastic reporting and analytics tools
With Facebook ads, the platform provides you with an extensive report on how well your ad is performing. This means that you are able to adapt your advertising strategy to get the best results.
2. You will reach far more people through a paid post than an organic post
Tired of posting on your Facebook business page but seeing little to no reach and interaction. Well one quick way to solve this is through Facebook paid advertising. You don’t need a massive budget to do this as Facebook gives a lot of bang for your buck however, you do need to spend something.
3. Its cheap!
As a business owner, with an effective target audience strategy you can reach a larger audience for a relatively low cost. This means that you can ultimately made money off your ad from reaching such a large audience for such little cost.
Con’s to Facebook advertising
1. It’s not the most popular social platform anymore
With the huge growth of TikTok, Youtube and Instagram, Facebook isn’t the most popular social platform anymore. It really does depend on your businesses target audience and whether they are on Facebook or not. If not, then Facebook ads may not work for you.
2. It’s diminishing organic reach
The reason why you maybe tired of not seeing any organic reach on your posts is because Facebook wants you to spend money on promoting your content. Unfortunately, the more businesses pay for their posts the lower and lower organic reach is getting.
3. Users have to be on their newsfeed to see your ads
For your target audience to view and see your paid ad, they have to be logged into Facebook and actively using the app. However, with Google Adwords anyone browsing the internet via Google has the opportunity to be exposed to your ad.
Ultimately, it depends on your business and the target audience you would like to reach to whether Facebook ads will work for you. In general, it is cheaper than Google Adwords but also limited with exposure.
Would you like to explore Facebook advertising but unsure how to get started? Well, contact us today, our online marketing team will be able to support your business with this.