The annual St. Georges Day celebrations have once again taken place across the country with a variety of typical English traditions, on 23rd April.
With the Vale of Evesham renowned for it’s production of one of the Nation’s most sought after delicacies, what better way to celebrate all things great and green, than the British Asparagus Festival on St Georges Day?
Celebrating in true British style, the festival kicked off the eight-week asparagus season with the Asparagus Run. Beginning at The Fleece Inn at Bretforton, the route took runners on a tour across the Vale of Evesham, ending at the picturesque Broadway Tower.
Greeting them at Broadway Tower was a large, tower-sized St. Georges Flag, in keeping with the annual theme. The flag, designed by Areca Design, showcased the Tower in all its beauty and marked the official launch of the Asparagus Run. At a total of 18 meters long, by 5 meters wide, the flag was one not to be missed!
Following a morning of St Georges Day festivities, a newly-harvested round of asparagus was escorted by a selection of Morgan Cars to destinations including Parliament and Buckingham Palace.
Many joined in the St. Georges Day celebrations and were on the lookout for the flag, with the recognizable red cross, disguising half of the historic Broadway Tower itself. The image below shows a trial run of the flag being positioned at Broadway Tower.
To see the flag in action on St. George's Day, please take a look at our Facebook page.
For more information on the British Asparagus Festival, please visit the website at: If you would like to talk to one of our team members about how we can help you with Marketing support, please contact us on: 01386 570360, or e-mail us at: