As we start to get to grips with the beginning of another promising new year, everyone is heading back to the office with plenty of personal resolutions for 2014 (exercise more, eat healthier, spend less, save more… sound familiar?). It is increasingly important that Digital Marketing goals are set from day one, to ensure the online world is utilized to its full potential. Here are four Digital Marketing resolutions to consider, to help you reach and connect with your target audience.
Resolution 1: Set realistic, yet challenging goals
Before you get too immersed into the world of Digital Marketing, it is important to set your goals. Identify exactly what you are trying to achieve through your digital efforts.
Resolution 2: Do your research!
Digital Marketing, similarly to traditional Marketing works best when you have the knowledge about your target audience that will set you apart from competitors. Research the psychological, geographical, and demographical attributes of your audience in order to understand exactly how you can communicate with them via the digital realm, in a way that is valuable to them.
Resolution 3: Target moments, not impressions
Impressions can only indicate when a customer has seen an advertisement or website online. If we only focus on the number of impressions we have gained through digital marketing efforts, it is impossible to understand whether a customer actually engaged with the brand, let alone enjoyed it.
Resolution 4: Content is still king!
Although the ‘content is king’ statement has been in use for many years now, it is still highly relevant in today’s marketing world (if not more!). Content should continue to be ranked right at the top of your priority list, if your strategy is to be successful. With many algorithm updates over the past few months and years, Google further emphasizes the importance of utilizing unique, relevant and up to date content.
For the full article, visit the Downloads page on the Areca Design website and download the FREE 'Four Digital Marketing Resolutions to stick to in 2014' factsheet, via the link below.
At Areca Design, we can help you develop innovative Marketing strategies and material, to effectively support your business and drive success througout 2014. If you would like more information, please contact the Areca Design team on: 01386 570360, or e-mail us at:

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