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Google page one - the only place to be seen. Who goes to page two

Over 90% of websites developed by Areca Design for our clients have reached page one on Google for their chosen keywords, several in position one – page one worldwide, and there is no reason why your business cannot be one of them ...

At a time when many businesses are under pressure to deliver results faster than ever, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is often overlooked by companies unsure of the benefits that SEO can deliver, irrespective of business or industry sector.

On the face of it, many businesses opt to use a Pay Per Click (PPC) system to conduct their web marketing, citing the apparent ease with which it is possible to monitor any e-marketing spend while at the same time realising an accurate depiction of any web campaign's success. However as if often the case and for reasons that will become apparent, this decision is truly a case of 'buyer beware'.

PPC systems are inherently flawed because:

  • They are open to fraud
  • They are not cost effective
  • They are relatively inflexible
  • They are subject to Bid Price Inflation (BPI: the increased cost for the use of individual key-phrases
  • in addition to the click through cost)

Meanwhile, the benefits of SEO are:

  • Provides your business with long term, high visibility on the web
  • Enables your company to engage in multiple web-marketing campaigns and market research
  • projects simultaneously
  • Increases traffic to your website
  • Easily quantifiable results

Where our clients are already engaged in PPC web marketing we often find that we are able to reduce their costs and increase the success of their marketing by slowly moving over to the SEO model, running concurrently with our other marketing strategies.

The team at Areca Design would like to offer you the opportunity to engage in a FREE assessment of your online marketing in order to practically demonstrate the benefits that a professional SEO campaign can have for your business. For more information about SEO and associated issues please click here. Alternatively call the team at Areca on 01386 570360 for an informal chat.

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