Did you see us in the latest edition of the Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce's BD Magazine? Our work with Shakespeare's England has been recognised across the Counties and is causing quite a stir!
The team at Areca Design have been busy producing an array of creative projects, including design work for the famous Shakespeare’s Birthday Celebrations and the creation of the new Explorer Pass – a discount travel and entry pass for members of the public to enjoy.
In addition, Warwick Castle, one of the key members of Shakespeare’s England commemorated the legend of Guy of Warwick – a Medieval English Hero, with the new festival held on the 26th – 28th May. The creative team at the local design company based in Evesham, created the logo and supplied the materials to help promote the event.
For more information on the latest technological innovations on offer by Mick Hurst and the team, give us call on 01386 570360.

Business Direction 44
Business Direction, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce's 68 page, full colour bi-monthly publication. Designed and produced by business people for business people