ForumLatest NewsREC Admin is getting a makeover!

REC Admin is getting a makeover!

It's been quite some time since we updated the way the website Admin Centre looks and we have been working on a cleaner and simpler interface which better highlights important core metrics, whilst still working the same way operationally.  This means more helpful dashboard information (which reflects whether you use the site for content management or selling products) plus simpler program layouts and record management.

This is part of the ongoing progression of REC to ensure you always keep pace with the market in terms of features, search engine changes, web security and of course the user interface, which uses Google Material Design as the guiding design principle.

We will be pushing out this new look during w/c 17th October 2016 and will welcome your feedback to make further improvements to the interface.

Hopefully you're excited to see the new look, so here's a quick preview for you now:

The New CMS Admin Screen Design

CMS Admin Screen Design REC


The New Ecommerce Admin Screen Design

Ecommerce Admin Screen Design REC


Interface Changes At-A-Glance

REC Interface Changes


Website Software Interface

Website Software Admin Design

From the team at Areca Design.

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