About Battle of Evesham

The Battle of Evesham took place on 4th August 1265 and was instrumental in paving the way for the English Parliament to be created. This was one of the bloodiest one-sided battles England has ever seen and saw the death in combat, of Simon DeMontfort, the leading parliamentarian of the age. Over 4,000 knights and foot soldiers were slaughtered on the day. 

Website design

Our brief was to develop a brand, website and digital marketing campaign to attract as many people to Evesham as possible to help commemorate the 750th anniversary of the battle.  In the period leading up to the Festival we developed an online marketing campaign with a target to attract around 3,000 visitors per day over the two-day event. This included a website and social media streams. Estimates put the actual attendance at around 12,000, and Google stats indicate that the website attracted over 15,000 unique visitors. 

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Graphic design

The shield logo was developed with the advice and scrutiny of expert medieval historians – after which they considered the design to be ‘as perfect for the period’.  In 2019 Areca Design created shields for each of the knights which fought in the battle. These shields were mounted on lamp posts around the town helping to advertise the event.